How to Reduce Lines and Wrinkles Around Eyes

How to Reduce Lines and Wrinkles Around Eyes

At a certain age, we all start to wonder how to reduce lines and wrinkles around the eyes. After all, wrinkles and crow’s feet around the eyes can make your whole face look older and more tired. Who wants that, right? 

The good news is that effective treatments can reduce eye wrinkles, rolling back the clock. The best eye wrinkle treatments will give you a refreshed, more youthful appearance, while keeping some of the little laugh lines that show your personality. Our favorite non-surgical eye wrinkle treatments give users a naturally vibrant look without the dreaded “frozen face” or overfilled look that comes from misuse of injectables.

Why do we get eye wrinkles and lines as we age, anyway? Eye wrinkles form from a combination of factors, including aging, environmental, genetics, and facial expressions. Knowing the main eye wrinkle factors is helpful, because there are preventative steps we can take to prevent lines and wrinkles from forming.

Already have more than your fair share of under eye lines and wrinkles? Don’t worry! There are many great options to reduce eye wrinkles. Learn about the best eye creams, non-surgical eye wrinkle treatments, and proven Silk’n eye wrinkle solutions. Silkn’s non-invasive skincare solutions use the latest technology for safe, effective eye wrinkle treatments to easily reduce eye lines in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Understanding Eye Wrinkles and Lines

We all know that everyone gets eye wrinkles and lines as they age, but do you know why eye lines form? The primary reasons why we get those little lines around the eyes are the thinning of the skin and loss of elasticity due to depleted collagen. Fine lines and wrinkles form around the eyes first because the skin on that part of the face is naturally thinner with blood vessels near the surface. 

What is collagen? It’s one of the most important proteins in the body, and it is what gives the structure to your skin, muscles, and connective tissues. You can see why it’s so important! 

These are some of the main causes of eye wrinkles:

  • Aging - loss of elasticity and thinning of skin
  • Environmental factors - sun exposure (UV radiation breaks down collagen), pollution, dry weather, and wind
  • Lifestyle factors - smoking (damages collagen and elastin, constricts blood vessels reducing circulation, depletes key vitamins A and E) and tanning 
  • Facial expressions - laugh lines, squinting, frowning
  • Poor diet - too much sugar and refined carbohydrates weaken collagen
  • Genetics

Effective Treatments for Reducing Eye Wrinkles and Lines

There are many eye wrinkle treatments on the market that promise to reduce eye lines. No need to go under the knife to get results! The best treatments for eye wrinkles don’t have to be surgical. From over-the-counter creams to fillers to our favorite Silk’n eye wrinkle solutions, there are a variety of effective non-surgical treatments for reducing eye wrinkles and lines. 

Types of eye wrinkle treatments include:

  • Topical eye creams. The best eye creams for wrinkles include ingredients that promise to increase collagen production and increase hydration to plump up thinning under eye skin. Eye creams are easily picked up at the drugstore. Results may be subtle, so topical eye creams are often used in combination with other treatments to more effectively reduce under eye wrinkles.
  • Non-surgical procedures for wrinkle reduction include Botox, fillers, and laser treatments. These are the most expensive options and also require a trip to a dermatologist or specially trained aesthetician. 
  • Silk’n devices to reduce under eye wrinkles, utilizing the latest technologies, including Bi-polar Radio Frequency, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), and Infrared energy.

Topical Treatments

Topical eye wrinkle treatments are a staple in the battle against fine lines and wrinkles. The best eye creams use proven ingredients for eye lines, most notably retinoids, peptides, and hyaluronic acid

The skin around our eyes is thin and delicate, so it is very important to only use creams specifically designed for use around the eyes and to follow the directions carefully. The anti-wrinkle lotion you use on the rest of your face may cause more harm than good if used near your eyes. Apply eye cream gently, dabbing it on with your pinky finger - avoid pulling the delicate skin around your eyes by rubbing in the cream.

Eye creams with retinoids are very popular, but they require special caution for some users because they can cause redness and irritation and dry, flaky skin. Especially if you have sensitive skin, start by applying a retinoid eye cream only every 2 or 3 days (always following the directions on the tube) and build up slowly. It’s also important to wear sunscreen if using a retinoid cream in the daytime because it can increase sun sensitivity.

Trying to decide which topical eye wrinkle treatments are right for you? There are different formulations like cooling gels (great for puffy eyes in the morning) and silky, rich creams (better for bedtime because they may be too greasy to wear under makeup). Look for an anti-aging eye cream that includes the best ingredients for reducing eye lines, such as:

  • Retinoids (a form of Vitamin A) - reduce oxidative stress, neutralize free radicals, increase collagen production. Reduce wrinkles and crow’s feet and also fade age spots.
  • Peptides (amino acids) - help with collagen production to improve elasticity and reduce wrinkles.
  • Hyaluronic acid (humectant) - great for hydration, it improves elasticity and plumps the skin. Easily absorbed and generally well-tolerated by even sensitive skin (more gentle than retinoids).
  • Vitamin C - stimulates collagen production and improves moisture retention. Popular for morning eye creams because it is brightening, plumping, hydrating, and refreshing

Non-Surgical Procedures

Non-surgical eye wrinkle treatments can provide more noticeable and immediate results than anti-wrinkle eye creams. Though not surgical, procedures like getting Botox for eye lines and laser eye wrinkle treatments do require a trip to a dermatologist or a specially trained aesthetician. 

Stay away from Botox parties and other settings with unlicensed or inexperienced providers offering injectables or fillers for eye wrinkles - the risk of poor results or serious side effects is not worth it! 

If you are wondering if non-surgical procedures for reducing eye wrinkles are right for you, it’s important to do your homework first. These treatments can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars and carry the potential of more side effects than many at-home eye wrinkle treatments. Here is an overview of some of the most popular procedures:


  • What is Botox?

Botox is botulinum toxin type A, which is injected into the muscles under the eyes to cause them to temporarily paralyze. The procedure is normally done in a dermatologist’s office and takes about 10 minutes. Though the fact that Botox is made from a toxin might scare some people away, Botox injections are the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure in the US. 

  • What does Botox do and how long does it last?

Botox injections result in a smoother look around the eyes due to the paralyzed muscles. The injections can also help to slow down the formation of new wrinkles caused by facial expressions like squinting, frowning, and smiling. Botox lasts about 4 months.

  • What are the potential risks and side effects of Botox?

All facial injectables have the risk of swelling, bruising, pain, itching at the injection site. Risks specific to Botox include swelling / drooping eyelids, headaches, double vision, and allergic reactions. Botox can also be overdone, resulting in an unnatural “frozen face” that hinders normal facial expressions and prevents one from showing joy, sadness, surprise, and other emotions - not a good look. 

Dermal Fillers for Wrinkles

  • What are dermal fillers? 

Dermal fillers are substances based on hyaluronic acid that are inserted with a needle directly into the skin. They can be used on various parts of the face, including the lips, cheeks, and around the eyes. The procedure is typically done in a dermatologist’s office using a local anesthesia. The best known dermal filler brands include Restylane and Juvéderm. 

  • What do dermal fillers do and how long do they last?

When injected into the skin around the eyes, dermal fillers “plump” the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The effects of dermal fillers are temporary, lasting about 6 months to 1 year. For improving the appearance of the eye area, fillers are especially used in the tear trough under the eye. They may also be used in combination with Botox to reduce crow’s feet wrinkles.

  • What are the potential risks and side effects of dermal fillers?

All facial injectables have the risk of swelling, bruising, pain, itching at the injection site. Headache is another common side effect of dermal fillers. More rarely, infection or allergic reactions can also occur. It is extremely important to choose a doctor who is experienced with dermal filler injections due to the risk of poor results caused by too much facial filler (Facial Overfilled Syndrome) or unevenly injected filler. A rare, but unfortunate, side effect of using fillers for wrinkles is filler migration.

Laser Eye Wrinkle Treatments

  • What are laser eye wrinkle treatments? 

Laser treatments for eye wrinkles use a fractional CO2 laser to remove outer layers of skin. The fractional CO2 laser sends tiny beams of light into the skin for targeted treatment of small areas of the face. CO2 laser treatments are done by dermatologists or surgeons and take about an hour. A topical numbing cream is typically used to prevent discomfort. The cost for CO2 laser resurfacing starts at about $2,850 on average, but can run more than double that.

  • What do laser eye wrinkle treatments do and how long do they last?

You can think of laser eye wrinkle treatments with a CO2 laser almost like a form of microdermabrasion, only done using light instead of a physical abrader. CO2 laser resurfacing for crow’s feet removes outer layers of skin and also stimulates new collagen to reduce wrinkles and lines around the eyes. 

The CO2 laser works by targeting water molecules in the skin to eliminate the surface skin cells, while the heat causes the collagen production. The effects of CO2 fractional laser treatments can last up to 3 - 5 years, although your skin will, of course, continue to age, so new wrinkles will inevitably form.

  • What are the potential risks and side effects of laser eye wrinkle treatments?

One big downside of laser eye wrinkle treatments is that you can expect about 2 weeks of downtime afterwards. In addition, laser treatments are not suitable for darker skin tones. Overuse of laser can thin the skin, actually causing more fine lines and wrinkles. Other potential side effects of laser eye wrinkle treatments include burns, scars, and changes in pigmentation.

Silk’n Devices for Eye Wrinkles

Have you been looking for non-surgical eye wrinkle solutions that are both effective and affordable? Wouldn’t it be great to find a way to reduce lines and wrinkles around your eyes more effectively than with a topical cream? At the same time, many people want the convenience and affordability of treating crow’s feet at home, without the high cost and time involved in a trip to the dermatologist for lasers or injections. 

Find the perfect blend of effectiveness, affordability, and convenience with a Silk’n eye wrinkle device to use at home. Innovative Silk’n eye wrinkle solutions use cutting-edge technologies like Bi-polar Radio Frequency, Low Level Laser Light Therapy (LLLT), and Infrared energy to effectively rejuvenate the skin. 

These are the best eye wrinkle devices for home use, delivering salon-quality treatments right in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Discover the beautiful results you can achieve with the Silk’n Titan for eye wrinkles. Harnessing the power of professional technologies for safe home use, the Silk’n Titan devices reduce fine lines and wrinkles, enhance collagen and elastin production for tighter skin, and fade age spots. 

Silk’n’s easy-to-use devices are safe, painless, and cordless for a great user experience. All Silk’n Titan devices have a maximum temperature of 109.4°F to ensure the safety of your skin.

There are 3 skin rejuvenation devices in the Silk’n Titan Collection:

Silk’n Titan Mini - Perfectly sized to reach fine lines in smaller areas of the face, such as under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and around the mouth.

Silk’n Titan AllWays - Treat any area of the face in only 15 minutes per zone. 

Silk’n Titan MultiPlatform - The ultimate anti-aging solution! The newest Silk’n anti-aging device, the Silk'n Titan MultiPlatform has a small treatment surface to target difficult-to-reach areas like crow's feet, as well as a larger RF attachment to easily rejuvenate your face, neck, and decolletage. Quick session times of just 5 minutes per treatment zone make this the perfect solution to treat eye wrinkles no matter how busy you are. This is how the Silk’n Titan MultiPlatform works on eye wrinkles:

  • Technologies: combo of 3 that treat the upper layer, dermis, and deep sub-dermal fat to improve the skin's appearance and reduce wrinkles.
  • Bi-polar Radio Frequency - penetrates up to 4mm to tighten the deeper skin layer and reduce wrinkles
  • Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) - Penetrates up to 1.8mm to rejuvenate the skin and restore collagen
  • Infrared energy - Penetrates up to 0.5mm to improve skin texture
  • Results: used 2xs weekly for 10 weeks, visibly reduced wrinkles for 96% of participants one month after usage, with no adverse side effects
  • Reduces visibility of crow’s feet
  • Safe - thermal sensor and heat stabilizer pause heating at 43°C (approx. 109.4°F) and resume when the skin cools

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are you also wondering if LED face masks reduce wrinkles? Read our frequently asked questions about using LED face masks to treat fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes to get the scoop!

  • Do LED face masks reduce wrinkles?
  • Yes, LED face masks do reduce wrinkles. The red lights in LED masks deliver energy to the skin cells to initiate healing processes. This includes increasing collagen and elastin, which improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.
  • The red light in the Silk’n LED Face Mask 100 penetrates the skin to 620nm to promote and improve blood circulation, stimulate the production of collagen, and tighten the skin.
  • LED therapy also has fewer side effects than topical wrinkle treatments like retinols, which can cause breakouts and dry, flaky, irritated skin. Unlike some other non-surgical wrinkle treatments like CO2 laser therapy, there is no downtime after using red light to reduce wrinkles.
  • Does red light therapy help under eye wrinkles?
  • Yes, red light therapy helps under eye wrinkles. The great thing about a LED face mask is that it tackles wrinkles on your entire face at the same time. The Silk’n LED Face Mask 100 is a comfortable, flexible silicone mask that is especially great for treating your overall face at once. It is cordless and has a remote control - just pop it on and carry on with life during your session. 
  • What color LED light reduces wrinkles?
  • Red light is the color of LED light that reduces wrinkles.
  • What should I put on my face before red light therapy?
  • Before red light therapy, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and dry it well. Make sure to remove all makeup and sunscreen. Apply your preferred skincare serums or creams after treatment as absorption is enhanced following the light therapy.

Ready to reduce eye wrinkles for a revitalized more youthful appearance? Discover the innovative Silk’n eye wrinkle solutions designed for safe, effective home use.