All You Need to Know About IPL Hair Removal At Home

IPL, you probably hear about it more and more. It sounds interesting, but honestly, you have no idea if it suits you and how it works exactly. In this blog we answer all your questions related to IPL hair removal at home!

To save you the time and effort of looking for all the answers, we’ve listed everything you need to know about IPL in this blog. As a reference, we used the premium IPL device from Silk’n: the Silk’n 7.

What is IPL Hair Removal?

IPL (IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light) uses flashes of light to put the hair follicles into sleep. The flashes of light focus on the hair root, causing the hairs to fall out and the hair follicle to become dormant. 

The Silk’n 7 is a light based hair removal device which combines Galvanic Energy and Optical Energy (eHPL™patented technology). These energies are emitted by the device simultaneously, but each has a distinct function. The Galvanic Energy opens the pores, ensuring that the Optical Energy has easy access to the hair follicles. The Optical Energy is absorbed selectively in the hair shaft and reduces hairs permanently in the fastest possible way. 

After each treatment, hair growth is reduced. Because the skin pores are open after treatment, you can apply a body lotion for perfect skin. The result is silky smooth skin with a radiant glow. The skin pores close by themselves.

Benefits of IPL Hair Removal

There are many benefits to being able to use IPL for hair removal at home. These are a few of the key benefits that IPL users enjoy:

  • Effective long-term hair reduction compared to traditional hair removal methods.
  • Convenience and flexibility. Your sessions are done on your schedule, whenever you want, wherever you want. You don’t even have to miss a session when traveling. 
  • Home IPL is cost-effective. Skip the costly repeat visits to the salon! With a device like the Silk’n 7, you own it forever. It even has a lifetime of flashes built in, so you never have to buy replacement cartridges.
  • Silky smooth skin at all times. Unlike certain salon hair removal treatments like waxing, you don’t have to let your hair grow out between IPL sessions at home. 
  • Home IPL is suitable for many parts of the body. Get a smoother face, legs, underarms, back, body, and bikini line, all in the privacy of your own home. 

How to use an IPL Device?

Now you probably want to know if it’s difficult to use this type of hair removal device at home. We can already give you a spoiler: it’s not too much hassle, especially once you get to know the device a little better.

So, keep reading to find out how to use an IPL device.

Typical IPL schedule for home use

Repeated use of it over time works to prevent hair from regrowing, which results in delivering visible hair reduction with long-lasting results.

Users love the convenience, affordability, and comfort of home IPL compared to other long-term hair reduction treatments like laser or electrolysis

This is the typical schedule during a full hair growth cycle:

  • Treatments 1 - 4: plan two weeks apart
  • Treatments 5 - 7: plan four weeks apart
  • Treatments 8+: treat as needed until desired results are achieved.
  • Maintenance: from time to time some upkeep may be needed if growth is still visible.

How Long Does IPL Treatment Take?

The length of an IPL treatment session varies depending on the area of the body that is treated. 

Do you want to remove hair quickly? Silk’n 7 can produce individual light pulses at automatic intervals. This Gliding method is unique, ultra-fast, and you can simply glide the device over your skin. 

To give you reference, most of our users take approximately 20 minutes to treat their legs.

For How Long Should I Continue IPL Treatments?

You want to continue your IPL treatments long enough to cover a full cycle of hair growth. A typical full hair growth cycle may take 18-24 months. During this time, multiple sessions are required to achieve permanent hair reduction. The duration of hair removal sessions varies per person according to your body area, hair and skin color, and how the device is used. You can imagine how much time and money is saved by doing your IPL treatments at home instead of going to a salon!

Extra things to consider before using an IPL device

IPL is less complicated than it seems! The most important thing is to read your IPL device’s user manual thoroughly before getting started. Take note of any precautions or contraindications and plan your treatment schedule to achieve the desired results. A few tips to get started:

  • Avoid tanning (including sunless tanning products) before IPL sessions, ideally for at least 4 - 6 weeks.
  • Hair must be shaved in the treatment area.
  • Do not wax, pluck, or tweeze hairs from the treatment area for at least 4 weeks before starting IPL.
  • IPL hair removal is contraindicated during pregnancy.

How Do You Take Care of Your Skin Before and After the IPL Treatment?

For the best results, it is important to properly care for your skin before and after IPL treatments. Here are the steps:

Caring for Your Skin Before IPL

  • Wash the treatment area with a gentle cleanser. Be sure to remove all traces of lotion, deodorant, etc.
  • Gently exfoliate with a gentle scrub or gel.
  • Shave the treatment area.
  • Use the IPL device.

Caring for Your Skin After IPL

  • Moisturize the treatment area with a gentle lotion.
  • Do not wax or pluck hair regrowth after sessions. 
  • Shaving is okay, but it is ideal to wait until about 2 weeks after your first session, if possible, so you can observe the rate of hairs falling out.
  • Protect your skin from the sun.

How Long Does It Take to Get Results From IPL?

As with any light-based or laser hair removal device, IPL results are not immediate. In fact, hair may sometimes appear to be growing back after a hair removal session, but typically after two weeks many of these hairs will simply fall out. Additionally, hair grows in three different stages and only hairs in an active growth stage will be affected. Thus, hairs that are not active cannot be targeted. This is one of the main reasons why multiple sessions are required to achieve the desired result.

How To Take Care of Your IPL Device?

It’s not only important to take care of your skin, it’s also important to take good care of your IPL device!

Here are 3 easy steps to take care of your IPL device:

Clean the surface

After each use, it’s important that you clean the surface of your IPL device. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the device. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the surface.

Clean the handpiece

Same as for the surface, it’s also important to clean the handpiece. Use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down the device. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the device.

Store properly

When not in use, store your IPL device in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, humidity, or moisture.

What is the Difference Between IPL Hair Removal and Laser Removal?

Both treatments use light flashes focuses on the hair root and have basically the same effect. The mainly difference is the type of light they use.

IPL hair removal uses a broadband, pulsating light source while laser hair removal uses a monochrome, coherent light source. We will not dive any further in this difference because it’s too much complicated irrelevant information;)

Because IPL utilizes the entire spectrum of visible light, it is a far more effective way of treating a diverse range of skin and hair tone combinations. The Silk’n 7, for example, automatically adjusts the energy settings to precisely match the optimum intensity for each individual based on their unique combination of skin tone and hair tone. This means that IPL hair removal is a better choice than laser hair removal for those with darker skin tones.

The other difference is that for laser hair removal you go to a specialist in a salon while IPL hair removal can be done both in the salon and at home. In a salon they use more intense light, which can make it a bit painful. At home you use mild light, which makes it completely painless.

Is IPL Safe?

Yes, IPL hair removal at home is safe. Especially with the Silk’n 7, because our eHPL™ technology can achieve permanent hair reduction results at a fraction of the energy level used in professional light-based hair removal equipment. This low energy reduces its potential to cause harm or complications and contributes to your overall safety. With any IPL device, it is important not to treat the same area of skin more than once per hair removal session, as this increases the likelihood of adverse effects.

Do I need to shave before using IPL at home?

Yes, as mentioned earlier, before using an at-home IPL machine, you need to shave all the visible hair in the area you are trying to target. This is so the hair isn’t exposed but is still within the follicle.

Does IPL Treatment Hurt?

You are probably wondering if IPL hair removal hurts. The answer is no; for most users, at home IPL hair removal is painless. Most users report no pain at all or just feeling a slight sensation of heat and tingling when a light pulse is emitted. Users with thicker and darker hairs may feel slightly more discomfort, but this discomfort subsides once the hair removal session is completed. For your convenience, this device has five energy levels that can be set according to sensitivity and tolerance.

So forget the pain caused by electrolysis or waxing, the itchy stubble of shaving, or the mess of depilatory creams! IPL hair removal is safe and comfortable and it has none of the mess of the other hair removal methods. 

Is IPL Suitable for Everyone?

IPL hair removal is suitable for both women and men. Men particularly appreciate the convenience of using IPL to permanently reduce facial hair and back hair. Women find IPL the perfect solution for smoother legs, bikini line, and face.

New about the Silk’n 7 system is that it is suitable for almost all skin colors and all hair colors. Unlike some other IPL devices, Silk’n 7 can be safely used on darker skin tones, thanks to the unique Skin Color Sensor. This is a built-in-safety sensor which stops the device from emitting a light pulse if your skin tone is too dark for treatment. Now users can be confident that their skin is being protected during IPL sessions.

Note that naturally white, gray, blond, and red body hair are not suitable for being removed with IPL. IPL is also not suitable for pregnant women and is contraindicated for those with certain skin conditions and with some medications. Always check your device’s user manual for specifics.

How Expensive is an IPL Device?

There is a lot of difference in price and quality, as with every beauty device. To see which device suits you, always read the reviews and please skip the extremely cheap shops this time. IPL can really be a solution when you use good quality devices that do not damage the skin. The Silk’n 7 can be bought at Silk’n or several marketplaces for €499,99.

How to Get the Best Results From Home IPL?

Now that you know the benefits of using IPL, let’s recap how to get the best results from home IPL:

Prepare Your Skin: To get the best results with IPL hair removal at home, it is important to prepare your skin properly. Start by cleaning and shaving the area you want to treat.

Select the Correct Intensity Level: Selecting the appropriate intensity level for your at-home IPL device is crucial. As a general rule, it is recommended to start with a lower intensity and gradually increase it as your skin gets accustomed to the treatment. Now that your skin is prepared and the intensity level is set, it’s time to perform the at-home IPL hair removal treatment.

Provide Proper Aftercare: After your treatment it is important to provide proper aftercare to your skin. Apply a soothing gel or lotion to help calm any potential redness or discomfort. Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight for at least 24 hours and use broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from potential UV damage. Additionally, avoid any activities that may cause excessive sweating or friction on the treated area for a couple of days to allow the skin to heal.

Ready to enjoy silky smooth skin? Check out our favorite IPL device for permanent hair reduction, the next-level Silk’n 7.

Conclusion: what is IPL actually?

We hope that this article offers you an insight into what IPL or Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for hair removal actually is. If you still have questions or doubts, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer care service. They will gladly answer any questions that remain!

If you’re feeling ensured and ready to get started, make sure to check out our at home hair removal devices.