New Beauty Trend: Ageing Gracefully

What is ageing gracefully?

Ageing gracefully: new beauty trend alert, or is it just a nicer way of saying ‘you look great for your age’? Let’s dive deeper into this new beauty term and tips on how to age gracefully.

Let us clear this immediately: ageing gracefully is not about trying to look like 20-something. It is about living your best life and having the physical and mental health to enjoy it. Think of it like a bottle of wine: you can get better with age with the right care.

Our tips for ageing gracefully

We’ve listed some of our best tips for ageing gracefully, from the inside and outside.

Take care of your skin

The skin is our body’s largest organ, so treat it with care. When doing so, it can better protect your body from elements, regulate your body temperature and provide sensation.


What to do to keep it looking and functioning at its best?

-             Wear sunscreen daily. One of the single most important things you can do for your skin. Always aim for a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. If you’re looking for a more time saving option, opt for a day cream with SPF in it.

-             Simplify your skincare routine. Less is more and so is it when it comes to skincare. Focus on a gentle cleanser, sunscreen, and a hydrating cream. Stick to an established morning and evening skincare routine that align with your skin’s needs.

-             Choose skincare products that align with your skin type. Understanding your skin type and its needs will help you how to properly take care of it.

-             Don’t forget about your lips. Skin cancer can also form on the lips, so always apply a lip balm or lipstick that contains sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. When your lips feel dry, apply petroleum jelly to add moisture.

-             Keep your hands off your face. Our hands contain dirt, germs, and oil and when touching your face, you transfer this. So, do your best to leave your skin alone throughout the day.

-             Check your skin regularly. It’s important to regularly check your skin for new spots, spots that are different from other spots on your body, or moles that itch bleed or change color. These are often early warnings of skin cancer. If you notice something suspicious, make an appointment with your doctor for a check-up.

-             Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is not only good for hydration in general, but also for hydration of the skin. It’s basically the most natural detox you can do.


Move your body

Daily movement significantly lowers risks of diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, and helps to retain mobility longer. Exercising also lowers stress and improves sleep, skin and bone health, and boosts your mood.


A combination of muscle strengthening activities, vigorous-intensity and moderate-intensity exercises is the most ideal workout schedule for adults. In addition to this, balance training exercises would be even more perfect, especially for older adults.


Even the simplest movement, like going for a long walk, is great for your health. So, what are you waiting for, call your bestie for a long walk in nature and chat while walking. Before you know it, you get in those 10K steps ;)

Eat mindful

You are what you eat, they say and it’s true. Healthy foods are the way to go when it comes to aging gracefully. Always make sure to daily eat:

-             Fruits and vegetables, fresh or frozen.

-             (lean) protein.

-             Whole- grain foods.

-             Low-fat diary of diary free foods.

-             Healthy fats.


When cooking, avoid using solid fats and use oils instead. Stay away from processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats. Lastly, mind your salt intake and keep it to a minimum to keep blood pressure down.


Take care of your mental health

Your mental health matters. Not only to make sure you feel good from the inside, but also look good from the outside. Avoiding stress and being happy improves your quality of living and ageing.


Things that help elevate your mood:

-             Spend time with friends and loved ones. Meaningful relationships improve your mental health. Besides a strong social network, do not underestimate the connection you can have with a furry friend. Having a pet has proven to lower stress and blood pressure, reduced loneliness, and a better overall mood.

-             Accept your age. When maintaining a positive attitude towards you ageing it contributes to a more positive mood, which can result in living longer and recovering better from diseases. Besides accepting your age our bonus tip is to just simply accept ‘things’ in life. Ranting and overthinking those things can really affect your mood, and so your mental health.

-             Treat yourself like you would treat the ones you love. Really, why treating others with kindness while you’re so hard on yourself? Be kind to yourself and feel the shift in your mood.

-             Do things that make you happy. Make time for activities you enjoy and fuel your happiness. Spend time in nature, have a full self-care day, try out a new (baking) recipe, host a dinner party, go to the beach, you name it! Do whatever brings you joy, and above all: do it for you!

Train your brain

It sounds silly but those brain training board games on games your phone aren’t that bad. Go play a game, have fun, and train your brain at the same time! A win-win.


Minimize stress

Easier said than done sometimes, but really minimize stress as much as possible. The effects of stress on your body are vast. They range from premature ageing and wrinkles to a higher risk of burnouts and heart diseases.


Some ways to minimize stress:

-             Journal. You can basically journal about everything you would like. Your plans, goals, to-do’s, thoughts and so on.

-             Use relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or breathing exercises.

-             Get enough (quality) sleep.

-             Talk to a friend.

Get enough sleep

As mentioned before, enough sleep minimizes stress. Good sleep is important for your physical and mental health, and besides that it helps improving your skin’s health. Other things that will improve by getting enough sleep:

-             Lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

-             Reduce stress and depression.

-             Lower the risk of obesity.

-             Reduce inflammation.

-             Improve focus and concentration.


How much sleep you need varies on your age. For adults it’s recommend sleeping at least 7-8 hours every night.

Do something fun

It’s important to regularly treat yourself by doing something you like. This can be something relaxing like a walk in nature or something fun like a shopping spree with a friend, but it can also be a (new) hobby. Finding new and meaningful hobbies can help you maintain a sense of purpose. People who engage in hobbies and fun activities live happier and experience less depression.

Practice mindfulness

Live in the moment and accept life as it is. Living in the present and practicing mindfulness benefits your health and can help you age better, but is also:

-             Improves focus.

-             Improves memory.

-             Lowers stress.

-             Improves emotional reaction.

-             Creates satisfied relationships.

-             Increases immune functioning.


There are many ways to practice mindfulness, like meditation, yoga, Pilates, journaling, and coloring/painting.



Staying hydrated is key for improving energy levels and brain function, but at the same time it also proves to help keep the skin healthier and clearer and reduce signs of ageing.


Don’t forget about dental care

Your teeth need to be taken care of too, not only to prevent ageing your smile, but also to lower risk for gum disease. Brush twice a day and rinse and floss after brushing. Along with proper oral care, it’s important to regularly see your dentist.


Check-in with yourself

Check-in with yourself or see your doctor regularly. How often you should see your doctor depends on your age, lifestyle, family history, and your current health. See a doctor anytime when you’re concerned about something.


So, is ageing gracefully a n beauty trend or is it more about a way of living? We think it is more about being healthy and happy than reducing wrinkles. Of course, by taking proper care of yourself and your skin you can reduce those fine lines and wrinkles. But maintaining a healthy lifestyle, surrounding yourself with people you love, and do things that make you happy will help you age gracefully!


However, ageing brings challenges and concerns, but don’t hesitate to speak to someone about this. This will help and lower your stress.